
Tiberi Vini Artigianali

Il Musticco Umbria Rosso Grenache Ciliegiolo 2016

Alex P

Like when u accidentally left ur Dr Pepper sitting out in the sun for a long time and take a sip only to find that it is still chilled somehow AND retained a gentle yet lively fizz! Ur like wow I’m so lucky! 🍭 #blessed — 6 years ago


Tre Vigne Dolcetto d'Alba 2013

Drank this 2013 with that 1982. Enjoyed them both. #blessed — 8 years ago

Girolamo Russo

Nerina Etna Bianco Carricante Blend 2014

#blessed 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 — 8 years ago

Ted, Anthony and 1 other liked this
Kyle Harvey

Kyle Harvey

@San Giorgio e il Drago

Clos des Miran

Cuvée Spéciale Côtes du Rhône Red Rhone Blend 2014

Just thankful a knowledgeable wine buyer at IperCoop knew this wine region existed, and I could buy it at reasonable price point among so many hastily produced Nero D'avolas 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 #blessed #imwithsyrah — 8 years ago

Ted and Scott liked this
Kyle Harvey

Kyle Harvey

Seems like the perfect mid winter wine region @Ted Corvey
Ted Corvey

Ted Corvey

That it is. Co sign #imwithsyrah

Monastero Suore Cistercensi

Coenobium Lazio Bianco Trebbiano Blend 2016

Love this wine! One of my go to’s. Think I like this 2016 more than 2014. More depth with such great balance. Good job nuns! #blessed — 7 years ago

Sion liked this


Riserva Chianti Sangiovese 2016

Delicious Chianti!! Smooth yet still strong and full bodied!! #truefriendship #blessed — 7 years ago

Winery Sixteen 600

Napa Valley Syrah 2005

I don't care what @Sam Coturri says, this was absolutely beautiful Syrah. I would drink this again and again if i could get my hands on it. It was pure, heavy, lip smacking grape juice. Exactly what i love in a Syrah. For all the Cabs in fancy dresses, this one wears the overalls and boots. #sixteen600 #notforsale #blessed — 8 years ago

Sam liked this

Robert Mondavi Winery

Oakville Fumé Blanc 2013

I’m not as keen on Sauv Blanc, but this was fab. #blessed — 7 years ago


Summa Vineyard Pinot Noir

2009 RM Old Vines. Very fruit forward with a delicate finish. Great summer Pinot — 8 years ago

April LoveJeff GriffinIsaac Pirolo
with April, Jeff and 1 other
Isaac, Carl and 20 others liked this