Intriguingly stable. Still bringing some fresh fruit and fascinating old zin texture. Fun to see the similarities to our current #sixteen600 zin from the same vineyard. — 10 years ago
Rating #sixteen600? Yeah but it has been a while for the 06. Amazing layers of white pepper. Too bad there's only 6 bottles left... — 10 years ago
I don't care what @Sam Coturri says, this was absolutely beautiful Syrah. I would drink this again and again if i could get my hands on it. It was pure, heavy, lip smacking grape juice. Exactly what i love in a Syrah. For all the Cabs in fancy dresses, this one wears the overalls and boots. #sixteen600 #notforsale #blessed — 8 years ago
Quite frankly, our best effort yet. Apparently it's all about election year L'Hommage...#sixteen600 — 10 years ago
Interesting to come back to this after a long while. Our first bottling of #sixteen600. A little VA but some really good funky old syrah flavors there. #notforsale — 10 years ago
Late summer flavors and Labor Day Weekend vibes at #sixteen600 — 9 years ago
A young pup with an old soul. Deep and rich now, but I think the bloom will only brighten over time. I'm very lucky to have gotten a sample. #sixteen600 puts out some beautiful work. — 9 years ago
Out of one of very few magnums in existence. Pizza night at #sixteen600 — 10 years ago
Sam Coturri
Winery Sixteen 600, Enterprise Vineyards and the Moon Mountain District
Old school label. Our very first (legal) Syrah bottling. Held up spectacularly given the age and the company. So proud. — 8 years ago