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Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle GMBH Anas Geheimnisse Bock Bier Deutschland
Creamy headed loop to soup. Dissipating mushroom and bones lacing sliding to obscurity. Pot roast-brown bread nose with Shepherd’s pie asides and resurgence of carrot. Lemon rings the creamy open. Lime and lemongrass double take through sweet tea. Dinner roll with micro caramel glaze. Bread is not the head, rather the moccasins that tiptoe in.
David Kline
Klosterbrauerei Neuzelle GMBH
Anas Geheimnisse Bock Bier
Creamy headed loop to soup. Dissipating mushroom and bones lacing sliding to obscurity. Pot roast-brown bread nose with Shepherd’s pie asides and resurgence of carrot. Lemon rings the creamy open. Lime and lemongrass double take through sweet tea. Dinner roll with micro caramel glaze. Bread is not the head, rather the moccasins that tiptoe in.
#Klosterbrauerei #KlosterbrauereiNeuzelle #Neuzelle #deutschland #deutschebier #bock #bockbier #anasgeheimnisse #germany #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 4 months ago