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25/7 - Visited #Chalon dan la Rue (street art) this week end, then we went to a #Lapierre#Morgon#2011. Not the best of vintages... But like all wines with the minimal interaction, natural, or sincere as. #Dobianchi called them once in an posting, they don't understand much of a "bad" vintage. Time after time the "bad" vintages of such producers always come around nicely in 3, 4 or 5 years later. So did this one, earthy, elegant, layers of floral & red berry fruit as far as the acidity.... SEXY. btw all the drinking was done moving from one stage to another and even that it was amazing — 10 years ago
25/7 - Visited #Chalon dan la Rue (street art) this week end, then we went to a #Lapierre #Morgon #2011. Not the best of vintages... But like all wines with the minimal interaction, natural, or sincere as. #Dobianchi called them once in an posting, they don't understand much of a "bad" vintage. Time after time the "bad" vintages of such producers always come around nicely in 3, 4 or 5 years later. So did this one, earthy, elegant, layers of floral & red berry fruit as far as the acidity.... SEXY. btw all the drinking was done moving from one stage to another and even that it was amazing — 10 years ago