
Dry Creek Vineyard

Clarksburg Dry Chenin Blanc 2016

very very floral and light, some residual sugar, white flowers, well balanced sugar acid for domestic #chenninblanc #clarksburg — 8 years ago

Alisha HamptonTc EverettDon Robinson
with Alisha, Tc and 2 others

Vinum Cellars

Bubbles Sparkling Chenin Blanc

peach and apricots, slightly honey finish, white flowers, slightly sweet finish for me but overall great wine #cheninblanc #clarksburg — 8 years ago

Bogle Family Vineyards

Phantom Old Vine California Zinfandel Blend

Paul H

The 2011 phantom was a disappointment to me. It started off with a week aroma of cherries and pepper. Then it hits your mouth with a punch. It seems to be out of balance to me. There is an initial berry presence and a hint of like a vanilla /coca mix but then quickly turns to a strong full roasted coffee that lingers way too long. #boglevineyards #clarksburg #redblend — 10 years ago