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Loveliest of mushroom-violet, saddle leather and fresh wool, dark legume, black olive, cool licorice notes and lavender. A graphite tip made of concentrated grape; a fig parchment carefully folded over smoke. Outstanding nose. Tobacco flaking blackly over licks of flame, chicory, black licorice, cloves and black olives dance and darken to blackberry, charred elm and black pastry. Biomass folding in crystalline-spiked, smoky, charred cedar. Burnt cinnamon and peek-a-boo plum. Loamy and dense earth that encapsulates. Great wine to grow on!
David Kline
Loveliest of mushroom-violet, saddle leather and fresh wool, dark legume, black olive, cool licorice notes and lavender. A graphite tip made of concentrated grape; a fig parchment carefully folded over smoke. Outstanding nose.
Tobacco flaking blackly over licks of flame, chicory, black licorice, cloves and black olives dance and darken to blackberry, charred elm and black pastry. Biomass folding in crystalline-spiked, smoky, charred cedar. Burnt cinnamon and peek-a-boo plum. Loamy and dense earth that encapsulates. Great wine to grow on!
#stemiliongrandcru #rightbankbordeaux #bordeaux #bordeauxgrandcru #bordeauxrouge #closlamadeleine #2010 #2010bordeaux #saintemilion #misenbouteilleálapropriéte #appellationsaintemiliongrandcrucontrolée — 3 years ago