Tropical with banana and pineapple shows ginger and lemon curd, nutmeg and light cinnamon. Whoa! Big pumpkin here with rich and creamy pie spices; vanilla, allspice, nutmeg, clove, cedar, oak, candied ginger, ginseng, lemongrass. Good move making it milkshake! Lactose drives the density and comforting substance. More like this please! And to the pumpkin hating zealots, just taste the forbidden fruit again, I won’t tell!
#abominationbrewingcompany #abominationbrewing #pumpkinbeer #pumpkin #forbiddenpumpkin #imperialipa #ipa #imperialmilkshakeipa #milkshakeipa #ctbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — a year ago
David Kline
Timber Ales ‘Fields of Fall’ imperial Stout
Nearly headless, dark cocoa pate with rapid bubble breakdown. Candlewax serpents dripping lacings over oily trails leave one-eyed bunny trace. Solid black across and through. Glass stainer. Nose of roasted pumpkin, roasted coffee, black strap molasses, dark cocoa nibs, roasted chestnut. Heavy mouthfeel mimics the molasses smell, and gives toffee and Turkish coffee impressions. Initial taste bitters quickly, but subsequent tastes are coated in treacle. Pumpkin and spice give this a perceptively plump middle. The finish is forever. Mwahahaha!
#timberales #timberalesimperialstoutwithpumpkin
#Imperialstoutpumkinnutmegvanillacinnamon #pumpkinspice #stout #fieldsoffall #beer #bier #biere #bierre #birra #cerveza #ctbeer — 5 months ago