#grapefruit and #lemon in smooth harmony #biodynamic — 10 years ago
Orange wine 🍊 #tasteslikeasourbeer #delicious #peachy #grapefruit #fizzy #piquette — 3 years ago
Loved this #newzealand #sauvignonblanc #lemongrass #grapefruit #light #crisp — 9 years ago
Perfect #spring #whitewine #citrus #crisp #grapefruit — 10 years ago
Perfect for this warm #winter day. #citrus #lemongrass #grapefruit notes. #sauvignonblanc #napawine — 9 years ago
Lovely #crisp #pinotgris from #willamettevalley #oregon #light #grapefruit #lemon — 9 years ago
Praise the Lort. #grapefruit #fizzzzzz — 10 years ago
David Kline
Aldi advent beers. Ruby rose grapefruit juice color and hazy. Spittle white with bubbles to match. Firewood dropped by tentacles lacing. Ghost squid. Pronounced grapefruit nose is halved, sprinkled with sugar and topped with a maraschino cherry like grandma made for breakfast. Hedge apple blossom, magnolia too. Lemon bread. Pineapple essence. Tart and tasty palate features white and ruby grapefruit that steps off a ledge and plunges to pith and pear, orange peel and zested ginger. Tastes very natural.
#aldibeer #aldiadventcalendar #WIbeer #wisconsinbeer #ipa #grapefruitipa #grapefruit #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — a year ago