A bottle from the old days when terms such as "#feine", "#feinste", "#hochfeine" etc. were used to describe greater levels of sweetness and concentration in #German #Rieslings. However, in the wake of the 1971 German wine law, producers have replaced such nomenclature with #Goldkapsel, #Weissgold, #LangeGoldkapsel etc. as well as the equally confusing, non-standardized star system to indicate gradations of sweetness. I like the old system, but I can also read German so the new system in ultimately easier for consumers who cannot understand the language. Either way, the answer is in the bottle and this #1966 recently rocked our Riesling World in LA! #Loosen #ErdenerPrälat — 10 years ago
Dade Thieriot
A bottle from the old days when terms such as "#feine", "#feinste", "#hochfeine" etc. were used to describe greater levels of sweetness and concentration in #German #Rieslings. However, in the wake of the 1971 German wine law, producers have replaced such nomenclature with #Goldkapsel, #Weissgold, #LangeGoldkapsel etc. as well as the equally confusing, non-standardized star system to indicate gradations of sweetness. I like the old system, but I can also read German so the new system in ultimately easier for consumers who cannot understand the language. Either way, the answer is in the bottle and this #1966 recently rocked our Riesling World in LA! #Loosen #ErdenerPrälat — 10 years ago