
Lord Hobo Brewing Company

Glorious Galaxy Pale Ale

Pours opaque and agitated with an instantaneous, snowy flattop. It subsequently flattens to a skim of tiny, loose white bubbles, most hugging the rim. Very bold and tropical nose of pineapple, Meyer lemon and clementine with a bit of lemon bread and glazed carrot thrown in for good measure. Chamomile tea and hemp flour in the middle, as lemongrass ultimately sharpens its otherwise soft edges aromatically. Quartz and metallic mineral textures transform citrus to crystal lemon and grapefruit with a nitric element. Grape leaf, lime and candied basil with green pansy flavors and bitter lime marmalade. #glorious #lordhobo #galaxypaleale #beer #ale #hops #lordhobobrewing #paleale #massachusetts #brew — 7 years ago