
Schlossbrauerei Irlbach

Irlbacher Premium Pils

Schlossbrauerei Irlbach ‘Irlbacher Premium Pils’

Thick mane of dense white accumulates over green gold body. Snake fight lacing with jaguars sipping from a cup proffered by a prostrate monk. Lemon, peel and seed, oil and zest, pith and stem in puddings and madeleines, with and without poppy seeds, white pine, vanilla blossom; brush of pineapple. Ghost of Connecticut wrap, tangelo, pomelo, lime pith, sesame, cigarette paper, lime juice, and just a clean assemblage of the aforementioned that defies gravity. A compelling Pils, that has you coming back for more.

#SchlossbrauereiIrlbach #IrlbacherPremiumPils #pils #pilsner #Bayern #bayerischesbier #deutschland #deutschebier #bier #beer #birra #biere #birra #cervaza #Irlbach
— 4 months ago

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