
Tenuta Russo Bruno

Greco di Tufo

There is dried orange peel, lemon seed, and ginseng leading caper, rye bread, clove and a whittle of maple breezing. Grippy lemon and pomelo with an unctuous base, an odd white pepper, and lemon-poppy component. The color is dark, almost antique gold at this point, but the fruit is citrus-bright. #greco #grecoditufo whoa, now we’re turning golden delicious apples and the citrus is an afterthought #bianco #campania #tufo #tenutaRussoBruno #docg #italianwines #italianwhite — 7 years ago

Villa Raiano

Greco di Tufo 2012

This Greco from Campania, is believed to have originated in Greece and brought to southern Italy along with a number of other Greek grape varieties when the Greeks dominated that part of Italy. Very mineral, with stone fruit and citrus. Balanced acidity give this wine a lovely refreshing and juicy finish. Great with seafood.
#greco #grecoditufo #campania #southernitaly #italianwines #italianwhitewine #tufo #villaraiano #irpiniawine #montefusco #refreshingitalianwhite
— 7 years ago