Fabulous Malvasia from the Aeolian islands. Not sweet at all, fantastic minerality that pairs so well with seafood! #winelover #wineporn #winegeek #sicilianwines #vinobianco — 10 years ago
Lemon, green banana, lime pith, daisy, crushed rock dust, a sweet note: lemon verbena pudding. Lychee notes with lemon, lime and tangerine with amazing acid and mineral residuals that coalesce to lemon soaked pith. Round and lovely aura around tangential, edgy acid. Finesse. #tenutacavalierpepe #irpinafalanghina #falanghina #santavara #docg #italianwine #vinobianco #whitewine #campania #campagnia — 5 years ago
Fratelli D'Anna Bianco di Toscana. Proving you can get #FilthyNowVino for less than $15! Thanks @boccacciocellars Fresh, crisp, textured with a little funk. Perfect Saturday Vino di Tavalo! #Wine #VinoBianco Vernaccia & Trebbiano Blend — 10 years ago
Non mi ha entusiasmato! Un buon vino non c'è che dire ma forse era troppo freddo per poterlo apprezzare pienamente. #fumawine #vernaccia #sangiminiano #montenidoli #vqprd #whitewine #italianwine #vinobianco — 7 years ago
David Kline
Perfect intensity and concentrated color from rim to rim. Smells of bright, ripe green pear, but baked pie apples, grilled grapefruit wheel; mandarins. Lime-lemon, chamomile, briny oyster liqueur, chive, and sweet and sour. Amazing Molise falanghina with depth for a song. .
#Molise #falanghina #bianco #vinobianco #italianwhitewine #fannia #campivalerio #falanghinadelmolise #monteroduni #vinoitalia — 5 years ago