
Robert Mondavi Winery

Reserve Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2002

Robert Mondavi Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2002

Underrated. An aromatic, smooth beauty. Aged really well. This is showing its best now. Love it.


#robertmondavi #cabernet #cabernetsauvignon #napavalley #wine
#redwine #napa #2002 #california #agingpotential #ワイン #赤ワイン #ナパ #カベルネ #winegeek

— 5 years ago

P, Somm and 9 others liked this


@Sage Shimoda Sage Great vintage great wine Cheers 🍷
Sage Shimoda

Sage Shimoda

@P A Thank you for your comment. Hope you are enjoying the season with great wines as well. Cheers 🍷

Domaine Bernard Defaix

Côte de Lechet Chablis 1er Cru Chardonnay 2015

Light gold robe with golden sparkles. Lemon bouquet with a secondary aroma of lemon meringue. Light and elegant citrus on the palate evolving into a brilliant mineral presence with impressive balance and finish. Lively and vivacious. A feminine expression of a Chablis 1er Cru. #burgundy #chablis #chardonnay #premiercru #winegeek #winelover #côtedelechet #vinblanc @vin_elegance — 8 years ago

Anselmo Mendes

Expressions Monçao & Melgaço Alvarinho 2013

2013 Anselmo Mendes - Expressoes Vinho Verde (90 pts) #winereview - Pale lemon color. Pronounced nose and running the gamut in terms of aromas from floral to tropical. Honeysuckle, pear, quince, lime, cantaloupe and watermelon rind. A touch of smoke and steeliness as well. The palate is dry, high acidity, medium body, and medium alcohol. Cantaloupe, quince, and lime on the palate, but the steeliness is more of a wet stone flavor now. Great mouthfeel, the wine is light but flavorful. The finish is long and really surprising, it ends with floral notes of honeysuckle and acacia. This just adds to yet another Vinho Verde to the list that has really captivated me recently. You could easily kill bottles of this wine at a dinner party. Crowd pleaser, but provocative enough to keep people asking for more. Extremely well made. #portugal #vinhoverde #alvarinho #anselmomendes #wineterroir #wine #winegeek #winelover #winetasting — 8 years ago

Robert liked this

Accendo Cellars

Napa Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2017

Accendo Cellars Sauvignon Blanc 2017

This is the wine the Araujo Family has been making since 2013. Refreshing. Floral with a nice balance of acidity and tropical fruits. This is a perfect wine for summer.

アクセンド セラーズのソーヴィニョンブラン 2017年をトライ。 アラウホ ファミリーが2013年からナパで手掛けるワイナリー。花の香りとともに酸とトロピカルフルーツが絶妙なバランスで、夏に飲みたくなるワイン。

#wine #whitewine #accendocellars #napa #napavalley #2017 #sauvignonblanc #californiawine #california #ワイン #カリフォルニアワイン #白ワイン #ソーヴィニョンブラン #アクセンドセラーズ #ナパ #ナパバレー #winegeek #winelover
— 6 years ago

Eric, Shay and 3 others liked this

Kalin Cellars

Cuvée CH Sonoma County Chardonnay 1995

1995 Kalin Cellars Chardonnay Cuvée
CH Sonoma

23 years old. Well-aged, dark gold/yellow color. Rich fruits. Citrus, brioche and caramel. Toasty and nutty. Great complexity. Yum.


#wine #whitewine #kalincellars #sonoma #sonomacounty #1995 #chardonnay #californiawine #california #agingpotential #ワイン #カリフォルニアワイン #白ワイン #シャルドネ #カリンセラーズ #ソノマ #ソノマカウンティ #winegeek
— 6 years ago

Eric, Shay and 1 other liked this

Dalla Valle Vineyards

Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 1993

1993 Dalla Valle Cabernet

After 26 years, black currant fruits are still prevalent. Cassis, herb, Leather and tobacco. Garnet color with sweet tannins. "Goodbye Heisei, Welcome Reiwa."

平成最後のワインは、1993年Dalla Vella Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon とともに。カシス、ハーブ、レザー、タバコ。26年の時を経て、まだまだフルーツ感が残った飲みごたえのあるワイン。ガーネット色、タンニンは甘い。「さようなら平成、いらっしゃい令和。」

#heisei #goodbyeheise #reiwa #welcomereiwa #dallavalle #cabernet #cabernetsauvignon #napavalley #wine
#redwine #napa #1993 #california #agingpotential #ワイン 赤ワイン #ナパ #カベルネ #winegeek
— 6 years ago

Shay and Severn liked this


Palazzo della Torre Veronese Corvina Blend 2007

#anotheroneescapes #frikkiescellar 2007 #palazzodellatorre #veronese oh my word!! Lost for words... #amarone style showcasing why it is so special!! #corvina #rondinella @allegrini.winery there is a reason why you know your craft! silky smooth, powerful with the longest finish. Showcasing the terroir of #valpolicella #verona #heaveninaglass #winegeek #wineguru — 7 years ago

Yohan Lardy

Le Vivier Fleurie Gamay

So typical #winegeek enjoying #gamay freakin' #delicious — 8 years ago

Anthony and Riddley liked this

Marco De Bartoli

Pietranera Sicilia Zibibbo 2015

2015 Pietranera Pantelleria Bianco (87 pts) #winereview - This wine jumps out of the glass with floral aromas of acacia and rose. Quickly followed by tropical fruit lychee and watermelon rind. Also the telltale musky aromas of Zibibbo (aka Muscat of Alexandria). The palate is bone dry with medium acidity. The palate is not as expressive as the nose, but there is a strong minerality to the wine that you don't get out of a lot of Muscats (Yay Volcanic soil!). The finish is moderate length. This is a pleasure to drink but really needs to be at the perfect temp as too cold and it's less expressive and too warm it comes across a bit flabby. #wineterroir #wine #terroir #winereview #winelover #winegeek #winetasting — 8 years ago

Robert liked this