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Privatbrauereieibau Zwick’l Naturtruß Yellow amber sporting a sticky bubble egg white chapeaux. White mushroom funk is mild but leads to yeasty brown bread notes on the olfactory with lemon oil mist. Tart lemon and lime shine like stars in this light weissbier.
David Kline
Privatbrauereieibau Zwick’l Naturtruß
Yellow amber sporting a sticky bubble egg white chapeaux. White mushroom funk is mild but leads to yeasty brown bread notes on the olfactory with lemon oil mist. Tart lemon and lime shine like stars in this light weissbier.
#privatbrauereieeibau #eibau #zwickl #weißbier #weissbier #deutschebier
#wheatbeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — 7 days ago