Unusual nose. Candi- like. I’m going to get another as it’s inexpensive and I lost my notes. Found them. Reminds me of red licorice. Little weak on mid palate. Nice supper on the deck. Think it was under $15
Unusual nose. Candi- like. I’m going to get another as it’s inexpensive and I lost my notes. Found them. Reminds me of red licorice. Little weak on mid palate. Nice supper on the deck. Think it was under $15
Jun 20th, 2018
15 February 2017. Frankly Wines, New York, NY.
15 February 2017. Frankly Wines, New York, NY.
Feb 17th, 2017
Low priced steal. Black currant, cherry, earth, silky, decent finish.
Low priced steal. Black currant, cherry, earth, silky, decent finish.
Aug 5th, 2015