To misquote Paul Simon, “Still tar and roses after all these years.” Marvelous on the nose . Layered, strawberry. I purchased this wine fairly recently not quite sure what shape it would be in. Huge kudos to Chambers Street Wines for not only finding such beauties but finding wines which have been well cared for over many decades.
To misquote Paul Simon, “Still tar and roses after all these years.” Marvelous on the nose . Layered, strawberry. I purchased this wine fairly recently not quite sure what shape it would be in. Huge kudos to Chambers Street Wines for not only finding such beauties but finding wines which have been well cared for over many decades.
Nov 15th, 2019
Lovely wine, very light in color, very fresh and alive
Lovely wine, very light in color, very fresh and alive
Dec 19th, 2014