Suggest to decant this- as it only got better while it was breathing. Subtle tannins- Nothing too distinctive other than berries, cherries and tomato. Would be a good sipping wine or paired with cheeses, or a second bottle worth.
Suggest to decant this- as it only got better while it was breathing. Subtle tannins- Nothing too distinctive other than berries, cherries and tomato. Would be a good sipping wine or paired with cheeses, or a second bottle worth.
May 27th, 2018
Needed a couple hours of air to open. Black cherry, leaf tobacco, and tomato nose. Subtle pepper notes. Bold, dried red fruit, with a dry chalky finish. Mid-palate comes across a little thin. #garyveewineclub
Needed a couple hours of air to open. Black cherry, leaf tobacco, and tomato nose. Subtle pepper notes. Bold, dried red fruit, with a dry chalky finish. Mid-palate comes across a little thin. #garyveewineclub
May 20th, 2018