And I shall continue to sing Trinquvedel’s praises. Zingier than the last vintage or so but still with that underlying richness and pavement of smooth river-washed stone. My gosh, Tavel. You should marry Trinquevedel.
And I shall continue to sing Trinquvedel’s praises. Zingier than the last vintage or so but still with that underlying richness and pavement of smooth river-washed stone. My gosh, Tavel. You should marry Trinquevedel.
Feb 15th, 2019
Grenache 57%, Clairette 15%, Cinsault 11%, Syrah 11%, Mourvèdre 5%, Bourboulenc 1%. Rose pedals and unripe strawberry aroma with stone and tropical fruit palate with granitic minerality. A great Tavel for the price.
Grenache 57%, Clairette 15%, Cinsault 11%, Syrah 11%, Mourvèdre 5%, Bourboulenc 1%. Rose pedals and unripe strawberry aroma with stone and tropical fruit palate with granitic minerality. A great Tavel for the price.
Jul 3rd, 2015
Really excellent rosé very much more on the tart side and not afraid to go for a citrusy bitterness. Tastes of strawberry intermingling with grapefruit. Lime, blood orange and a mineral taste round it out before finishing on a pleasant, bitter note.
Really excellent rosé very much more on the tart side and not afraid to go for a citrusy bitterness. Tastes of strawberry intermingling with grapefruit. Lime, blood orange and a mineral taste round it out before finishing on a pleasant, bitter note.
Apr 29th, 2021