Holy cow this one is good! Picked up on a whim in quebec, and cant believe the value. Elegant, med- body with fine bet firm tannin. Wild earthy, briary notes. But very restrained on the alc and extraction.
Holy cow this one is good! Picked up on a whim in quebec, and cant believe the value. Elegant, med- body with fine bet firm tannin. Wild earthy, briary notes. But very restrained on the alc and extraction.
Jul 21st, 2016
And it's a "natural wine" to boot
And it's a "natural wine" to boot
Jun 26th, 2015
Great price, great wine, simply great! 👌🏼🍷
Great price, great wine, simply great! 👌🏼🍷
Jun 10th, 2015
No SO2 Bordeaux, my 1st ever. Tastes more of no SO2 than Bordeaux, FWII.
No SO2 Bordeaux, my 1st ever. Tastes more of no SO2 than Bordeaux, FWII.
Nov 22nd, 2014
Drop of god final wine. It is not bad but nothing special. it is smooth but not overly complex
Drop of god final wine. It is not bad but nothing special. it is smooth but not overly complex
Sep 29th, 2023
Delicious. Hard to wrap my head around it as Bordeaux, but absolutely fresh, vibrant and complex.
Delicious. Hard to wrap my head around it as Bordeaux, but absolutely fresh, vibrant and complex.
Mar 25th, 2017
Tad thin.
Jun 13th, 2021
Fantastic value! Delicious.
Fantastic value! Delicious.
Feb 11th, 2018
With Nicole at Gramercy. Epic
With Nicole at Gramercy. Epic
Nov 7th, 2017
A larger Bordeaux (St Emilion) red. Needs to open.
A larger Bordeaux (St Emilion) red. Needs to open.
Sep 14th, 2017