2018 - Vintage- ( fortunately not corked) lemon lime , stones , and lime zest good intensity
2018 - Vintage- ( fortunately not corked) lemon lime , stones , and lime zest good intensity
Jun 17th, 2023
Perfect with oyster stew in honor of my fathers birthday... I remember him every year by making this dish and my own touch is enjoying it with some unpretentious white burgundy 🌟 p.s. I just found out this year that this is also the birthday of Jaco pastorius who my dog is named after...mind blown!
Perfect with oyster stew in honor of my fathers birthday... I remember him every year by making this dish and my own touch is enjoying it with some unpretentious white burgundy 🌟 p.s. I just found out this year that this is also the birthday of Jaco pastorius who my dog is named after...mind blown!
Dec 2nd, 2020
Det hör vinet gjorde mig rätt entusiastisk! Något helt annat än petit chablis på monopolets hyllor. Bra syra, ren frukt, tydlig mineralitet, typisk för ursprunget, och fin längd.
Det hör vinet gjorde mig rätt entusiastisk! Något helt annat än petit chablis på monopolets hyllor. Bra syra, ren frukt, tydlig mineralitet, typisk för ursprunget, och fin längd.
Aug 8th, 2020