Chris MacLean
Velvety texture and interesting herbal notes, but not too persistent and showing a touch too much alcohol.
Gabrielle Micheletti
Hajime Kawasaki
キリッとして爽やか。絶滅危惧品種の、ティモラッソ。淀大根を塩と水だけで煮た。滋味深いスープ!そこへ牡蠣をベースにした緑色のソース。at Vena
Vince Verna
Great crisp. 2015
Simone Puglisi
Da Il moro Capriata d'Orba
Roberto Tosa
Roberto had this 7 years ago
Dario Barbone
Dario had this 8 years ago
Matteo Cignitti
Matteo had this 8 years ago
Fabio Franchella
Fabio had this 8 years ago
Ciro C
Ciro had this 8 years ago