Enjoyable Tempranillo and cab blend. Great with basque tapas. Opened up well over and hour but could have used a decant. More subtle fruit medium to full bodied and a little earthy
Enjoyable Tempranillo and cab blend. Great with basque tapas. Opened up well over and hour but could have used a decant. More subtle fruit medium to full bodied and a little earthy
Nov 2nd, 2019
Terrific but too young, loved it anyway. Really acidic, not so much tannic but needs time to mature for full potential. Today, still very nice, full bodied, lots of flavor, hard not to like but flavors are a bit difficult to tease out, I don’t get Pruno but dark fruit. It’s tangy, good with food.
Terrific but too young, loved it anyway. Really acidic, not so much tannic but needs time to mature for full potential. Today, still very nice, full bodied, lots of flavor, hard not to like but flavors are a bit difficult to tease out, I don’t get Pruno but dark fruit. It’s tangy, good with food.
Sep 16th, 2019
Rounded fruit, little spicy, bit green, just sitting on the edge of being juicy, but stops just shy.
Rounded fruit, little spicy, bit green, just sitting on the edge of being juicy, but stops just shy.
Jun 12th, 2019
Just tried the 2016 and it is too young. Has a tobacco, earthy flavor with a hint of cinnamon and spice.
Just tried the 2016 and it is too young. Has a tobacco, earthy flavor with a hint of cinnamon and spice.
Mar 28th, 2019
Enjoyed with Madrina Nini in La Parguera during our 18/19 visit to PR. Strong tannins, medium body.
Enjoyed with Madrina Nini in La Parguera during our 18/19 visit to PR. Strong tannins, medium body.
Jan 3rd, 2019