A bramble bomb if there ever was one, this wine is unapologetically Grenache and teetered on the edge of being OTT but somehow...kept my interest. Yes, it’s got a shit ton of ripe fruit but there’s a nutmeg thing that’s kinda cool and the finish is savory rather than sweet which is not only welcomed but quite attractive. Just enough structure to prop it all up. Drink now.
A bramble bomb if there ever was one, this wine is unapologetically Grenache and teetered on the edge of being OTT but somehow...kept my interest. Yes, it’s got a shit ton of ripe fruit but there’s a nutmeg thing that’s kinda cool and the finish is savory rather than sweet which is not only welcomed but quite attractive. Just enough structure to prop it all up. Drink now.
May 2nd, 2020