A lovely wine! Beautiful bright minerality. I agree with Isaac, it takes a few minutes to open up and show off the wet stone, key lime, lychee. Makes me crave some oysters. Thinking this wine will gain complexity over the next few years.
A lovely wine! Beautiful bright minerality. I agree with Isaac, it takes a few minutes to open up and show off the wet stone, key lime, lychee. Makes me crave some oysters. Thinking this wine will gain complexity over the next few years.
Jul 11th, 2015
Let chill for about 30 min before drinking and let it open up in glass for 10 min before tasting. Very interesting nose, light, slightly earthy. On the tongue there is immediate burst of melon / citrus followed by a very light creme brûlée after taste. Very well structured wine.
Let chill for about 30 min before drinking and let it open up in glass for 10 min before tasting. Very interesting nose, light, slightly earthy. On the tongue there is immediate burst of melon / citrus followed by a very light creme brûlée after taste. Very well structured wine.
Jun 17th, 2015