Fine edged with a haunting, almost chinato-like herbalness. Got better as we went, coming into focus after 30 minutes or so.
Fine edged with a haunting, almost chinato-like herbalness. Got better as we went, coming into focus after 30 minutes or so.
Dec 1st, 2017
Japanese red plums, black cherries, brown sugar, oregano. Big red fruits & acidity in the front end into mid palate, finishing a bit short with integrated tannin. Shows a little heat.
Japanese red plums, black cherries, brown sugar, oregano. Big red fruits & acidity in the front end into mid palate, finishing a bit short with integrated tannin. Shows a little heat.
May 8th, 2016
Dry with a great balance between acid and tannins. Plum, black cherry and raspberry. Paired great with rich pasta.
Dry with a great balance between acid and tannins. Plum, black cherry and raspberry. Paired great with rich pasta.
Jul 25th, 2016
Very good expression of Montalcino. Cherry, spice, dry. Balanced tannins.
Very good expression of Montalcino. Cherry, spice, dry. Balanced tannins.
May 22nd, 2015