Современный стиль, черника, кокос. сочно, чуть ещё колюче. Ещё слишком молодо.
Современный стиль, черника, кокос. сочно, чуть ещё колюче. Ещё слишком молодо.
Apr 9th, 2018
How do you edit a location? Really annoying that you can't change it. Icon club, AICZ Winter party. Drank too much of it to accurately rate it but it went down well...
How do you edit a location? Really annoying that you can't change it. Icon club, AICZ Winter party. Drank too much of it to accurately rate it but it went down well...
Jan 28th, 2017
Okay, this started a little acidic, but once it opened it was real thinker! This made me appreciate the complexity of Italian white wines even more. Citrus nose with heavy green apple. Lovely lively pentallance with a peppery start on the palate and a dry finish. You can figure out the rest, but it might take you the whole bottle!
Okay, this started a little acidic, but once it opened it was real thinker! This made me appreciate the complexity of Italian white wines even more. Citrus nose with heavy green apple. Lovely lively pentallance with a peppery start on the palate and a dry finish. You can figure out the rest, but it might take you the whole bottle!
Aug 21st, 2015