I discovered this at a gathering where it was the only bottle of red in a sea of semi-dry and dry whites. I poured a glass and was hooked. Dry yet smooth, not oaky, a bit of berry or cherry to keep it complex and interesting. The guest who brought it took me aside, shared the second bottle and confided that she thought she would be the only dry red person there. We had a grand time and she told me about the Delectable app. So if you don't like my reviews, then she's the one to blame. Cheers!
I discovered this at a gathering where it was the only bottle of red in a sea of semi-dry and dry whites. I poured a glass and was hooked. Dry yet smooth, not oaky, a bit of berry or cherry to keep it complex and interesting. The guest who brought it took me aside, shared the second bottle and confided that she thought she would be the only dry red person there. We had a grand time and she told me about the Delectable app. So if you don't like my reviews, then she's the one to blame. Cheers!
Jul 17th, 2020