Light in aromatics, with just a whiff of sea breeze. Texturally it shines with rich, creaminess ending with the soft mineral backbone characteristic of Grenache Blanc.
Light in aromatics, with just a whiff of sea breeze. Texturally it shines with rich, creaminess ending with the soft mineral backbone characteristic of Grenache Blanc.
Mar 26th, 2021
Crazy thing about this wine was it’s complete lack of aroma. So much so that it made me realize I had completely lost my sense of smell and should probably get a Covid-19 test. Sure enough! Like so many things, Covid ruined the experience of this wine. Cheers to being asymptomatic otherwise!
#turleywinecellars #californianwine #whitecoat #covid19anosmiatest #anosmia
Crazy thing about this wine was it’s complete lack of aroma. So much so that it made me realize I had completely lost my sense of smell and should probably get a Covid-19 test. Sure enough! Like so many things, Covid ruined the experience of this wine. Cheers to being asymptomatic otherwise!
#turleywinecellars #californianwine #whitecoat #covid19anosmiatest #anosmia
Dec 31st, 2020