Weingut Dautel
Forstberg Oberstenfeld Spätburgunder Grosses Gewächs
Really good stuff. Bark, earth, dark and savory fruit. Hard wine to hold when it’s so tasty to drink now. GG.
Really good stuff. Bark, earth, dark and savory fruit. Hard wine to hold when it’s so tasty to drink now. GG.
Jun 25th, 2024High octane Württemberg Spatburgunder with so much soul and complexity. Incredible weight and concentration without sacrificing delicate nuance. Bark, stones, and wild red fruits. Sappy with ripe tannin and lush acidity for the long haul. Snagged a few bottles of this for a song and will try to hold the others if I can keep my hands off of them. This wine has raised German Pinot on the map for me, really good stuff.
High octane Württemberg Spatburgunder with so much soul and complexity. Incredible weight and concentration without sacrificing delicate nuance. Bark, stones, and wild red fruits. Sappy with ripe tannin and lush acidity for the long haul. Snagged a few bottles of this for a song and will try to hold the others if I can keep my hands off of them. This wine has raised German Pinot on the map for me, really good stuff.
Feb 2nd, 2024