I bought this 2009 vintage in 2013 and opened it almost 10 years later. It is very smooth, with complex flavors that I can’t describe (forgive me, poetic writing is not my strength). The color has mellowed to an amber-red. Lovely. — 2 years ago
Mmmmm. Smooth, lush, thick but not syrupy. — 3 years ago
Cristina had this 2 years ago
Fruitier than I expected. My first impression was it’s more like a Pinot noir, but I don’t really think that a couple of days later. This is a fine table wine. The alcohol taste is a little strong and although it has a long, velvety finish, it’s more astringent than I’d like. I have to admit, I like the South American Malbecs better than the French Malbecs. I always expect the French ones to be superior, but I have yet to find one that is. — 2 years ago
A bit of a bite to it, and a light alcoholic smell. Beautiful dark color. Nice aftertaste. Wish it was better. 2017 — 3 years ago
Cristina had this 2 years ago
Hits a bit tannic but then rolls right off the tongue with a lingering smoothness. Very nice table wine. — 2 years ago
2011 opened in 2022. I think this aged very nicely. The color turned a bit bronze but I’ve seen this in amazing, expensive, old Nebbiolo wines before. It hits the tongue strong but then has a nice, long, smooth finish, like it’s rolling off the palate. Smells a bit alcoholic. — 3 years ago
Wow, spectacular. White pepper taste and bouquet. Muted red color. 2007 and has aged very well. — 5 years ago
Cristina M
Garnet-colored. Hits like it might be astringent but immediately smooths out and rolls across your tongue leaving a layer of tannins that diffuses nicely. If you swish it around, it will make you pucker. Very dry but buttery if you keep it centered in your mouth. I bought it because of an average rating of 9.3 for this 2020 vintage but I don’t think I’d rank it that high. Maybe a 9.0, a little disappointing for $50. — 4 months ago