Wine Professional: Cuvèe, Peristyle, Babbo, Il Buco, Franny's and for my dear Jennifer.
2012 Podere il Saliceto Lambrusco di Modena DOP, made from 100% Sorbara Lambrusco. Secondary fermentation in the bottle and Unfiltered!!! New by the glass at franny's. — 10 years ago
Dinner in the garden at Battersby, a very pleasant treat. Lively red fruit throughout the time been open, floral, herbal and of course lots of earthy minerality. — 10 years ago
Il Censo Njuro Perricone 2011. Another surprise from Sicilia! With a hint of Paolo Bea....can't you tell? 😜 — 10 years ago
A stunning balance of fruit and minerals that falls between Grumello and Valgella vineyards. Lengthy, elegant ripe fruit, with some tobacco to start and liquorish to finish. — 9 years ago
Perfect wine for the beach! Briny olives, fruit like cantaloupe and under ripe mango, great minerality. Thank you @Mary Ann Naples — 10 years ago
Il Censo, terre siciliane Bianco Catarratto 2012 from Palazzo Adriano Sicilia.....with the help of Paolo Bea. — 10 years ago
Pignatello and Catarratto. Special fresh salinity mixed with lightly dried fruit aroma, honey, apricots, and southern sunny breeze!!
— 9 years ago
Hold it if you have it, perfect nebbiolo like fruit and flowers. — 10 years ago
This 1989 version had an amazing story to tell! After 1 hour the nose reminded me of my grand aunt Lia's herb and rose garden. Perfectly ripe fruit! — 10 years ago
Luca Pasquinelli
Luca had this 8 years ago