Wine geek. Beer geek. Husband. Father. Funeral Director. Wannabe blogger. In love with NY wines. Long Island Cab Franc Freak. Smitten by sour beers.
Heading over to Champagne for traditional bubbles. More nutty and bready
More creamy mousse like lemon curd. Can't knock tradition. #champagne #veuveclicquot #bubbles #sparkling #newyears — 7 years ago
Elegant and graceful. This wine has developed over the last hour. Cherry and ripe red berries. Smoky flint and dried flowers. Mineral, earth and savory notes. Shows a bit more heat then the 12.1% it's labels states. Great acidity and balance. Long clean finish. Wish I had more. #flxwine #nyswine #wine #gamaynoir — 8 years ago
Should have saved this for Turkey Day. Rich, lush and balanced. Concentrated berries, flinty and freshness. If you find this, grab it. I may have to go back looking for this bottle. I can now understand why this is also know as black reisling. #wine #bechtheimer #schwarzriesling #weinreich #trocken #rheinhessen — 9 years ago
Delicious. Cherry. Clove. Floral. Earth. Graceful with savory finish. Nice midpalate that shows more earth and spice. Whish there was more fruit on the finish, but that's why I keep coming back for another sip. #wine #menetousalon #jeanteiller #domainejeanteiller — 7 years ago
Broad sweetness without RS. Mineral driven nose with hints of tropical fruit. Palate shows more mineral flavors with some pineapple. Some heat on the finish, but finished clean. — 8 years ago
Sometimes, a few days is all a bottle needs to unwind. Leftover from New Year's Day. A delight. Graceful, expressive and focused. Showing tart cherries and fresh turned earth, a dusting coca powder and dried herbs with just the right amount of spice. The tannins have relaxed. While they were tight and kept hold of the freshmess, it is now showing as if just opened. If you have a few of these in your cellar, hold and hide. You will be rewarded in a few years from now. #flxwine #nyswine #nydrinksny #drinklocal #wine #cabernetfranc — 9 years ago
Bringing it home. Our neck of the woods. Shows nice delicate tropical fruit with minerlals. Very well done. #licharacter #sparkling #wine #bubbles — 7 years ago
Best Pet Nat I've put in my mouth. Respects the grape and respects the process. Floral, apples and citrus. Throw a little earthy minerality and some yeasty funk, you got yourself one heck of a austere wine. Petillant Natural from NYS, it can be done. It is done. This funeral director thinks the label rocks. #niagara #nyswine #nydrinksny #riesling #sparkling #pétillantnaturel #petnat — 9 years ago
Michael Gorton Jr
Michael Gorton had this 7 years ago