Pear, some citrus and flint — 7 years ago
Lemon, flowers, seashells on the nose. Beautiful palate of lemons, lime, a touch of oak/bread, honey, salinity, lingers for many minutes. Drinking very well with an hour or so of air. — 7 years ago
The nose is pleasant with hints of creamy spice from the oak with crisp apple and lemon curd aromas. The wine has nice. Plume with focused citrus fruit flavors and a nice hint of minerality. It lacks density and complexity. Overall a good solid wine but I expected more polish and elegance. — 8 years ago
Always a winner ... crisp and classy ! — 4 years ago
Excellent white burgundy. Mineraly and smooth. — 4 years ago
Leesy Stoney fruit with amazing baked apple and spice — 9 years ago
Mike Miles
Ein wunderbarer Burgunder. In der Nase geschmorter Apfel, Bratbirne, Limettenschale, und einen leichten Hauch von weissen Blüten. Am Gaumen saftig, sanfter Holzeinsatz aber nicht so mächtig wie sonstige Meursaults, jedoch auch nicht so mineralisch wie die Puligny‘s aus dem angrenzenden Gebiet. Angenehme Feuerstein-Mineralik und leichte Salzigkeit. Ein Genuss zum servierten Steinbutt mit Spitzmorchel und Frühlingserbse. Säure: Medium, Alkohol: Medium +
Preis-Leistung: 7/10 — 6 months ago