I’m Geo. ABC. To repeat — 5 years ago
Delicious, smooth and more than semi sweet. — 8 years ago
Dusty, Bordeaux style, can almost smell the vibrant acid on the nose. On the palate, calm tannins, spicy on sides of the tongue, acidity more part of the whole rather than a singular note, quite even-keeled and level-headed, concentrated. 100 percent Cab which is rare. Stags Leap single vineyard. Shockingly I liked the Geo better....it's possible this could mature into a better wine however. — 8 years ago
Absolutely perfect pairing with a nice filet of beef and crab cake. The nose gets your attention first of course and while it needs a bit of time out of the bottle, it’s totally worth it. Properly decanted and served at around 64-65 degrees, this is definitely worth seeking out again. — 5 months ago
This is Tioga-Sequoia Brewery's Joaquin Murrieta Chili Beer. Where do I start? The terroir? (Fresno, where so many good things come from, grows the chiles, that make this beer a spicy, hot and cold phenomenon) The smog? The heat? The complicated geo-political space? The morlock valley we all are happy to disparage with one side of our mouth while stuffing it's stone fruits in the other? Sharp, hot chile flavor in the front, round, smokey, still hot chile flavor in the back. Lingers a long time on the exhale. A yeasty, wheaty nose doesn't give any of it's secrets away. I haven't seen this gracing the supermarket aisles any where else but Fresno, so if you find yourself there, grab some. 2017 — 8 years ago
Slightly reminiscent of watermelon on nat geo islander II in Galapagos — a year ago
Really enjoyed this cab. Think I paid $12 for it. — 5 years ago
3rd xmas dinner at inlaws. — 7 years ago
Grace H
Very good! I think this came from Nat Geo wine subscription, not sure if available locally; but I would buy it again if available! — 18 days ago