1998. Perfect. Faith in you. — 7 years ago
Gorgeous. Honey, orange blossom, clover, white flowers, sesame oil. — 6 years ago
Very different from the ‘orange’ wine from Europe. Unique and very fragrant complex and full — 6 years ago
Delicious! — 7 years ago
Vending Tardive. One can make a case that in Alsace, where it is considered a Grand Cru-eligible grape, muscat gets more respect than in any other wine region. In this wine you can certainly taste why it deserves grand Cru status - perfect balance, great depth, subtle flavors and a level of sweetness that supports rather than overwhelms the fruit. Lovely rosé petal and honey notes With a refined Thai or Indian curry this will be exception, and with seared foie Gras? Off the chart. It deserves another couple of years in bottle but it will be hard to wait that long — 8 years ago
Peter van den Besselaar
Vintage 2019 | Elegance! A bit introverted wine with hints of citrus and roses. — 2 months ago