Saftig, rank, ren. Meget druetro. Violer, kirsebær, hindbær, svampe, mild stald. — 6 years ago
Golden in the glass and quit bold on the nose with pear & quince, linden flowers and some nice nutty, earthy notes. On the palate with razor sharp lemon acidity and a salty freshness. Ripe pear and a touch of honey melon, but the best part is the lively structure. This is very good friendly and an excellent effort. — 6 years ago
White pepper. Blueberry, tomato leaf, soy sauce. Medium bodied. Great acidity. — 9 months ago
Champagne-like sparkling Furmint.mineral-and acidity driven, almost no fruit, some Citrus, Aromas of brioche, yeast. Very Good! — 5 years ago
80/10/10 PB/PG/Chard (grown & pressed together). 3 days skin contact and vinified in 600l used foudres. Organic.
Ripe pear on rye sourdough toast, with a sprinkle of salt. There’s a whiff of flint, a touch of brown butter and some nutty aftertaste. The structure is just lovely - with a bit of weight but also great juicy flow. Really well done. — 6 years ago
Herrenhof Lamprecht
Sand & Kalk „R“ 2015
Old vine, single vineyard Pinot Blanc from Buchertberg.
Ripe pears & golden apples on sourdough, buttered toast, with quite a bit of matchstick reduction at the beginning and toasted cashew after.
Very fresh on the palate, with depth & purity, the bright lemon & apple acidity balancing the wood. Apples & pears again, with some burnt butter notes and a pinch of white pepper. Carries the 14% alc effortlessly. This is really good.
— 4 years ago
Mineral lime citrus fuller body but crisp — 6 years ago
Buchertberg awesome again. — 9 years ago
Reminds me of a good Bourgogne blanc, but only costs half the price. — 10 years ago
Vin d’Ottawa
A dry organic wine from Hungary. It has a hint of sweetness to it with subdued honeydew, guava and watercress flavours.
Fans of fragrant wines will like this. — 9 months ago