I Doria Di Montalto

Quinta do Montalto

Uncondemned Medieval 2019

I have no idea(yet) of the grapes in this.
The label says the vines are up to 140 yrs.
N: Lots of blood, tobacco, saline qualities. Poured blind, one may think an earthy burg that’s young. Some dark berried fruit. Liquorice.
P: Very delicate, much lighter on the palate than the nose would lead. Open for an hour, no tannic grip yet. Lots of woodland flavors. Tempered ( my guess) by an Atlantic clime. Easy , yet 14°
Glad it came home with me.
Portugal by way of the Jersey Shore.
— 2 years ago

Andrew, Milissa and 9 others liked this

Montalto Vineyards

Pennon Hill Pinot Noir 2016

I believe this is one of the entry levels?
Would to get hold of their flagship Pinots.
— 7 years ago

David, Ron and 2 others liked this

Montalto Vineyards

Pennon Hill Shiraz 2014

As the evening gets darker so does our wine. Beautiful Shiraz- this is Australian. Deep eggplant color and plummy nose. I probably killed half the bottle myself. (Sorry, neighbors!!) — 7 years ago

Amy HadjianDave Wismer
with Amy and Dave
Jonathan, David and 5 others liked this


New to me and I love Aussie Shiraz. Don't care how unfashionable that statement is.

Tenuta delle Terre Nere

Montalto Etna Bianco Carricante Blend

Tasted semi-blind and wrote down the same thing I did for the 2018: it smells like church! I’m trying to figure out why I wrote it, but the minerality is similar to what you smell when you enter an old white marble church. Maybe some of the florals too?
— 3 years ago

Barone Montalto

Passivento Terre Siciliane Nero d'Avola


EP: "Okej. Jag vill börja med att säga att det.känns som att det var jättelångt sen vi drack vin. Och sen så.viöö jag säga att när jag dricker vinet så känns de som att dom där tunga vikterna jag lyfte idag, ligger på min tunga. Tungt skulle jag säga. Vet du vad jag mer skulle säga? Bastant! *Smakar* mmmm.. smack smack, så är det. Fniss

Liikanen: Mycket söt smak med Lena vindrucor. Ingen besk eftersmak alls. Smaken flyter längs med hela munnen. Åh så gott!

22:21: Elaine: Okej jag har bara en sak o säga. Det här vinet gör att min geografiska tunga framhävs. Jag känner det. Det finns just nu många kontinenter. Smack smack smack, mmmmm.

Liikanen: Smaken retas av att vara extremt syrlig, i kanske en artondels sekund innan smaken blir söt och ljuvlig. Riktigt retligt vin men ack så gott!
— 6 years ago

Barone Montalto

Collezione di Famiglia Passivento Nero d'Avola

This wine shocked me! Much better than I thought. Try it! — 8 years ago


Doria Sélection Parcellaire Luberon White Blend 2017

So drinkable and delicious! I think this would be a great white to serve almost anyone at any event...we love this region of France! — 5 years ago

Quinta do Montalto

Reserva Vinha da Malhada Red Blend 2014

Alicante Bouchet I am told. Very nice! — 7 years ago