It's a beajoulais! (My auto-correct isn't working). Beajoulais Beetlejuice beejhoolay. Drinkable. Red. Liquid. Bought at tableWINE. This is the wine to drink when you are surrounded by dogs, dander, dust, mites, dust mites, dog hair, nameless fuzz and other things not worth looking to closely at. You need to see a moment of divine inspiration in the midst of kanine kaos. Purchased at tableWINE. — 7 years ago
2023 Whisky Advent Calendar, Day 8: Stauning Kaos Danish Triple Malt. The nose is deep and intense caramel and maple syrup and honey. But the first sip surprises because there is a real peaty note but with loads of spicy elements. And a really long finish. Really good. — a year ago
Bright and delicious — 9 years ago
Gorgeous 2012 Etna Rosso Kaos by Davide Bentivegna | 600-800m altitude vineyard | Certainly a domain to watch — 10 years ago
Kontrollerat kaos. Mineralisk melon. På bar la lune, gbg till piggvar — 5 years ago
Had this at Kaos. Awesome. — 8 years ago
Extremely refined once the sulfur blows off — 8 months ago