When you get by the look of drinking pastis it works quite well. — 8 years ago
Like this a lot. The sweetness is a touch more than I normally like, but it works without overwhelming. Nice and rounded — 7 years ago
Smooth, soft, and clean, with a bit of melon. — 3 years ago
Chapter X. New school producer shaking things up in the works of sake. First course. Sake Drinker dinner. — 7 years ago
Scott@Mister A’s-San Diego
2020 vintage. PNP'd. Heavy bod. Definitely interesting blend and it works. The 15.1% not super-Paso obvious but you just know it'll show up at some point down the road. Tannins no shrinking violet here yet not as fearsome as one might suspect. Pretty good balance now interspersed with spice cameos and the nagging suspicions that another 4-5 years will find this in the sweet spot. Pick up a few bottles for variety's/varietals sake. 10.26.24. — 4 months ago