Light, slightly sweet and full bodied. A nice and economically priced option at one of our local favorite restaurants, The Preacher's Son. — 8 years ago
Toffee and caramel — 10 years ago
Really smooth wine, leaves a lovely aftertaste, not too sharp and an easy drinker (the wine not me).
In my local corner shop I paid £9.99, a little expensive, I'd expect to see these prices in BP/Marks and Spencer or waitrose, however I like to support my local independent shop so I took a chance and glad I did!
BTW I'm not drinking in my local park, it's the only option near my house 😁 — a year ago
Delicious! Local option recommended by the server — 6 years ago
Very hoppy but great taste. Could almost be described as 'sharp'.
Definitely the best brew I've had from Capt Lawrence. It's local so glad to find a good option. — 9 years ago
It smells and tastes of mandarin, it’s lightly alcoholic, it’s a pleasant light wheat beer, lightly hopped, when it’s hot and you are dehydrated, which happens in the desert six months of the year, this is a better option than any sports drink. Sure, no electrolytes here, but it tastes a dang sight better than those sports ades. And orange blossoms? Very Arizona. Drink local — 4 years ago
Great option while in Serbia (local) — 6 years ago
Simply one of the best widely available cabs in the sub-$15 segment. Medium bodied with s bit of smoke and spice on the front, finishing with a tad bit of fruit but is oh so smooth. This guy was $13 at my local Harlem wine store...and is an amazing option if you are picking up a bottle for a party or want something cheap and accessible for a weekday dinner. A+ for the price point. — 8 years ago
barak heller hayun
third wine for me from flo busch in languedoc.
natural vibes.
100% grenache blanc.
blind i was confused, chenin was an option but probably not.
medium body.
high acidity.
greeness and baked orange peel, with grapefruit and dried flowers. and almost in the way but not bitterness all along.
long 🎯
an interesting and a very juicy one , and very gastronomic.
i imagine pairing a great simple lunch at the local bistro. — a year ago