Manuel L. Lima

Manuel da Costa Carvalho Lima & Filhos

Podador Vinho Verde White Blend

Fruity, light, crisp, apple, effervescent — 9 months ago

Concha y Toro

Reserva Casillero del Diablo Red Blend 2017

Interesante este blend, aromas a frutos negros maduros, en boca chocolate negro, final tostado, especias, lo acompañamos con una “Super King” hamburguesa que preparábamos hace ya algún tiempo en el restaurante Boom, receta: se parte el pan en tres, tapa de abajo, porción de lechuga picada, rodaja de tomate, hamburguesa, 2da rodaja, hamburguesa, queso gouda, pickles, pepino encurtido en lonjas, salsas a discreción, ultima tapa, ¡l¡sto! saludos #winelover #winelovers #wine#vino #vinos #pisco #Peru

— 6 years ago

Livio liked this

Manuel da Costa Carvalho Lima & Filhos

Tinto Tapada dos Monges Vinho Verde Tinto Red Blend 2011

Red wine that I took to celebrate dinner at my parents' 50th wedding anniversary at the Cassiano Restaurant in SjCampos, SP - Brazil. — 7 years ago

James liked this

Manuel da Costa Carvalho Lima & Filhos

Tinto Tapada dos Monges Vinho Verde Branco White Blend 2014

Ripping great wine for a warm, sunny evening on the terrace. — 8 years ago

Bodega Manuel Aragón S. L.

Tio Alejandro Oloroso

@Delectable, this is the Oloroso.
N: some wood, toffee, caramel, oranges,( I sense a theme here). Some salinity.Medium depth on the nose, alc in balance.
P: More repeat with maybe a touch of coffee in there. Lovely texture.
A new one to me. Not great, not bad, most definitely enjoyable.
Thanks @Enramistas Sherry Club
— 2 years ago

Ted, Ericsson and 3 others liked this


Don Manuel Tannat 2015

Se dice que la Tannat es la uva que mejor se adapta al clima Iqueño al sur de Lima-Perú, clima seco, desértico, suelos franco arenosos, casi no llueve. Esta uva es utilizada sobre todo como mezcla en los vinos europeos, en esta parte del mundo en Uruguay es la uva más importante. Acompañamos el vino con unas arvejas partidas, aceite de oliva a discreción, guarnición de arroz blanco coronando con un bistec apanado, temperatura de servicio 16ºC -18ºC armonía perfecta saludos #vinosdelperu #vino #vinos #winelovers #pisco — 7 years ago


Loureiro 2014

Citrusy, spritely, aromatic orange loveliness. Orange blossom, mandarin oranges, wet stones. On the palate, Aphros Loureiro 2014 is equally enchanting, softly-textured with delicate silvery mineral filaments weaving in and out of kumquat-and-lemon-pith acidity. It's round and moderately sweet, with 4.80 g/L RS along with a surprisingly persistent finish. I could drink this all day. 11.5% ABV | Sample — 8 years ago

Riddley, Velma and 6 others liked this

Bodega Manuel Aragón S. L.

Vermut Artesano

Dark mahogany. Oloroso, PX, gentian, orange peel, aromatics. Cinnamon, vanilla hints. Sweet. — 4 years ago

Alejandro liked this


Premiere Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2013

Absolute premiere Pritchard Hill fruit. I don’t like it...,.............I Love it! 🎤 @David L
Badass in a Glass to say the least. Jonathan is the coolest, most down to earth and Estate manager that you will ever meet. We tasted there this week as many of you know and his Hospitality is 2nd to None!!!! We arrived at 1pm and left at 5:30!!!!! The owner, Manuel, is badass to say the least. He came in at the beginning of our tasting, then 1/2 through and joined us for the remainder of the evening! Our dear friend, Veronica Pedro, with whom we hung out with for the week is from Portugal and so is Manuel! Salt of the Earth and as kind & hospitable as you can find anywhere in Napa.
@Howard Greenfield Mr. Napa-> I’ve got to hook you up with them. They get it and aren’t afraid to show it! They have a Lineup which is insanely opulent. You would absolutely adore them. Their Chardonnay is insanely awesome. One of my favorites. It’s Opulent Melka at his best.
Forgive me., I’m rambling on reminiscing of our incredible time there.
Look them up if you haven’t had them. I swear by them and so will
@Kirk Alexander
It was so good that we wanted to taste it AGAIN once we were home 😍😘😘😍.
Enjoying phenomenal wine with family is what it’s all about. Thank Gandona for the amazing experience ☝️

Nuf said!! 🙌👏👏👏🙌☝️☝️☝️
— 6 years ago

Kirk AlexanderChristine
with Kirk and Christine
Martin, Shay and 32 others liked this
David L

David L Influencer Badge Premium Badge

My glass is coming 🤪. KING SANTA!!
Rob Brobst III

Rob Brobst III Influencer Badge

@Martin G Rivard any Patrick Chapman sightings at Gandona?
Ron R

Ron R Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Brilliant stuff, Martin!!