From the motherland of Le Marche. — 5 years ago
The flagship wine from Burn Cottage, a Central Otago, New Zealand producer focused on Pinot Noir. Husband and wife owners Dianne & Marquis Sauvage sought out Ted Lemon of Littorai, and SF Chronicle's winemaker of the year for 2010 (Jon Bonné: "The simple version of Ted Lemon's story: Young American goes to Burgundy. Becomes first American to run a Burgundian wine estate. Comes back and stays true to Pinot's motherland."). Lemon oversaw the planting of the vineyards, along with all aspects of vineyard management and winemaking, chief of which being Biodynamic from inception. The label is a derivative of a 1795 fairy tale called “The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily” which represents the ideal intersection of people and the land reflected in Biodynamics. Black cherry, citrus, and lavender pastille, with some secondary loam and herbs. — 8 years ago
Even better than I remembered. Maybe bc it’s on draft from the motherland — 4 years ago
Another one from the motherland. — 5 years ago
Trying a wine from “the motherland”. My grandmother is from Lebanon. Surprisingly good stuff. $30 if I remember correctly. — 7 years ago
I just want to hug this bottle! (See what I did there?) Solid wine, especially since it's from the great white north. Tastes like it's from the motherland... Italy, not Brooklyn. The cork reads 'Dream and the world will conspire to make it so.' Brilliant. — 8 years ago
Well damn, this is a pretty convincing impression of the the paisano wines from the motherland. Has the pure cherry fruit and bloody/iron-tinged earth thing going on, as well as some dried floral character. Nice ripeness and grip, maybe only lacking a bit of acid (compared to Piedmont or Tuscany) but this was a pretty all-star pairing with a reverse-seared NY strip frites. Decanted for an hour or two, threw a ton of sediment and floaters. Bravo to Mr. Harrington. — 6 years ago
@Christian W. Liedtke from the motherland — 8 years ago
Boris Mathiszik
Wine dinner in Paso, rounded out with a nice GSM blend from the motherland of GSM. — a year ago