Sa Brain & Co.

Old Road Wine Co.

The Fat Man Pinotage

2020 Vintage, native to SA. Black fruits, mostly black Berry, followed by cloves and licorice. Medium tannins with balanced acidity. Lasting finish. — a year ago

Three (3) Floyds Brewing Co.

Alpha King Pale Ale

Orange-banana sponge cake, sweet mud, ripe pear, tapioca, doughy ruby grapefruit, sixlets nose. Blood oranges with a strawberry shadow, raw chocolate and bee pollen baked with brown sugar and vanilla extract reduction. Creamy and complex, this pale ale delivers golden raisin, cinnamon, clove and cocoa. The tropical notes reemerge on the finish, with a pineapple backdrop framing orange and banana and a lemongrass backbone. Brain coral lacing descends in a perfect champagne mousse. A lot to like here. #threefloyds #paleale #alphaking #apa — 9 years ago

Garage Wine Co.

Lot #81 San Juan de Pirque Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon 2016

A touch barnyard on the nose,
Heavier bodied with some great classic SA characteristics, green pepper, garden stalk, cocoa. Bitter acidity, tiny tannins. I love everything about this wine, except the wax encapsulation. I find this closure method rather short sighted, as no sommelier in the world wants to struggle with a wax dipped cork closure during service. Certainly no beverage manager would allow this on the list.
— 4 years ago

Daniel P., Trixie and 5 others liked this


Glad you could enjoy at 🏡. Cheers!
Tom Casagrande

Tom Casagrande Influencer Badge

Yeah, wax is a messy pain.

Jorge Ordoñez & Co.

Dry Muscat 2012

Violent disagreement over the botani. Wife not a fan; I really like this oddball dry Muscat from Andalucia that tricks your brain to think sweet but goes dry. Great with spicy chili. — 10 years ago

Sharon Love
with Sharon
Christy O

Christy O

You do love this wine

Palmer & Co

Extra Reserve Champagne Blend 2012

Damen på bolaget sa att detta var ett bra år och det verkar stämma. Brödig, lite vanilj och frukt. Lite blyets. — 5 years ago

Peter liked this

Bruno Giacosa

Falletto Barolo Nebbiolo 1999

Friday night in SA was Italian varietals and @Shawn R bought out restaurant Gwendolyn for the event. Gwendolyn is a 100% sustainable, using only local ingredients restaurant run by a French chef/owner and they don’t use any post modern motorized machines in food prep. This Giacosa from @Eric LaMasters was my co-WOTN. It was in a phenomenal spot. Elegant ripe red fruit, blackberry compote, spice box and a silky smooth length to spare finish. — 6 years ago

Bill, Shawn and 40 others liked this
Bill Bender

Bill Bender Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Catching up on wines from Wine Herd event in San Antonio 2 weeks ago @P A


@Bill Bender I took SA as South Africa the source of many great wines. Glad that you had a great time with the Herd in San Antonio. Cheers from BC 🍷
Shawn R

Shawn R Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Fun time @Bill Bender can’t wait until we do it again.