“A really beautiful Champagne made of [50%] Pinot Noir and [50%] Pinot Meunier. Precision, power and freshness all in a bottle. Equilibrium.”
Succinct, yet I would add no more to MN’s comment on this wine. Pretty much captures how I felt about it. A superb one-off release from the magical cellars of Savart. — 2 years ago
2017 disgorgem — 2 years ago
It has become difficult to have the appellation and label corrections on @Delectable especially since this cuvée is ephemeral... Regardless, here is my note of an exciting wine:
A vinous champagne with an elegance reminiscent of the beautiful white wines of burgundy. Refined nose, white fruits, mineral, multi-dimensional ageing. The body is both light with discreetly persistent bubbles, (we are far from soda champagnes, with coarse bubbles) and vibrant. The finish is long and saline with a vibrating material that unfolds for a long time. Can age and develop hazelnut notes, dried fruits, in a charming way.
Il est devenu difficile d’avoir les corrections d’appellation et d’étiquette sur @Delectable, d’autant que cette cuvée est éphémère…
Peu importe, voici ma note d’une vin passionnant:
Un champagne vineux avec une élégance qui rappelle les beaux vins blancs de bourgogne. Nez raffiné, fruits blancs, minéral, élevage aux multiples dimensions. Le corps est à la fois leger avec des bulles discrètement persistantes, (on est loin des champagnes soda, à bulles grossières) et vibrant. La finale est longue et saline avec une belle matière qui se déploie longtemps. Peut vieillir et développer des notes noisette, fruits secs, de manière charmante. — 2 years ago
Austin Hohnke
Blushy and bubbly in the glass. Pretty effortless on the palate. Nice interplay of richness and delicacy. — 2 months ago