Good wine in style of Chateau Libertas or Wolftrap. — 8 years ago
Ok, but not a keeper for Kelly or me. A little spicy and almost has a buttery, Chardonnay feel to it. Got better w second glass. 2nd wine in the Langley Pool virtual wine tasting. — 4 years ago
Absolutle delicious. I would say even more so than the original Wolftrap, which used to be a family favorite. — 10 years ago
Delicious screw top red - drank during covid. Like similar to the Wolftrap. Remember this one and get more. — 5 years ago
I think mom might like this one — 5 years ago
Jim Lockard
2020. A nice rosé with some spice on the palate - a different animal than the Provençal rosés I usually get in Lyon. Found it through a Spanish distributor. Recommend. — 3 years ago