Uphold Wines

Uphold Wines

'For Education' Cabernet Sauvignon 2016

Ryme Cellars charity label. 100% of the profits go to organizations that promote education WHICH IS SOMETHING THIS COUNTRY DESPERATELY NEEDS JFC. Nice little bio Cabernet here, spice, tannin, 13.5%, beautiful expression of fruit. $24. Ryme slays. — 5 years ago

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Turd Ferguson

Turd Ferguson

Jokes on you all public schools will be teaching creationism when they confirm Barrett to the Supreme Court

Fekete Béla

Somlói Juhfark 2009

2009 vintage and last bottle from my Eastern bloc pack that I got an age ago. Tastes like an aged dry Riesling. Wet stones, poached pears, yellow apple, musk melon that is overripe, petrol, and light smokiness. First run in with Juhfark and glad to see it uphold its reputation for longevity. Spontaneous fermentation and aged in large 1200L cask for two years. — 9 years ago

Chris and A liked this

Bengier Vineyard

Uphold Napa Valley Ribolla Gialla 2017

It’s funny ... there’s so very little going on with this wine (light body, subtle floral/apple, mild acidity), yet it’s pleasant and easy to drink. Could see it going well with mild fish/appetizers. Makes me want a half dozen oysters. :) — 6 years ago

Ryme Cellars

Uphold California White Wine 2016

Crisp and refreshing w a nice roundness to the body. Plus profits go to benefit environmental charities -- a great project. — 8 years ago

Anthony liked this