2012 in November 2021. Really good balance and some intensity. Charles Heinz fruit but not on the front of the label. This held up very well. — 3 years ago
Papou George’s favorite white whine. We accidentally ordered it and mom started saying “Piesporter was one of your grandfather’s favorite wines” then we realized we were drinking it! 😱 — 4 years ago
Enjoyed 2018 vintage on July 9, 2020. — 5 years ago
Un vrai Riesling! Ça sent la gasoline mais délicieux! Acidité bien contrôlée de la pomme mais pas trop, petit goût d’amande en finale, très bonne expérience! — 3 years ago
Bit tangy at first sip, but smooth with slight citrus, raisins after taste. Fresh, light and pleasing
( this is the g veltliner, 2018 btw) — 4 years ago
It’s only shy of 10 because I do want it to be a tad more sharp. However, what a great find and alternative to Riesling. It skews on a honeydew sweetness note. Perfectly refreshing for a hot summer day. — 5 years ago
WOW I love this. Slight juiciness of yellow/green apples with skin on, dry but not taxing tannin. Exactly as expected. Little pop in mouth like pop rocks. — 5 years ago
Phil Kessling
What more needs to be said; 2008 Spatlese. Little petrol, apple, apricot, nectarine, hint of RS. Delicious! — 3 years ago