Totally delightful. An off-dry delight that quenched my thirst and stoked my thirst for Chenin for life. Grinnin’ for Chenin? Nice balance of apples n pears and lanolin. Not exceedingly expressive when really cold so make it dinner, caress it’s punt and wait for it to open up. — 5 years ago
Bougie Sancerre night. But also not because it is from Trader Joe’s. Not bad. Like much Sancerre these days I feel like it...doesn’t taste like what I think of when I drink Sancerre. Tasty enough though with an oddly bit not unpleasant mouth coating minerality. I’ll take it. — 5 years ago
This is rather fabulous. Minerals. Pink grapefruit. Very refreshing and zippy. It makes me feel like I shattered a geode in my mouth but like in a good way. Actually that sounds terrible just know this is all the dignified sparkle you could hope for. — 5 years ago
Ellen Clifford

100 percent Pinot Noir this wine neither whispers nor screams but it is not boring to listen to. Is it Ira Glass? I don’t know but it is a bit strawberry and freshness and a smidge of pleasant salinity. The toasty notes are downplayed. Good for fun and for more august wine thoughts. Especially august in August. — 5 years ago