We are total suckers for Hungarian wines. A very light nose- traces of vodka-like vapors. An ephemeral sweet front and drier, green, astringent gummy flavors on the back. A satisfying sipper. Pretty sure we purchased this at Trader Joe's. — 7 years ago
This is only the second mezcal I've drunk. The first one was amazing--- smooth & smokey. This one we got at Costco for $24.99. Smokey, yes. Smooth, nope. But, still, I am quite happy with it. I'm exhaling the vapors right now, listening to Joni Mitchell and all is well. — 7 years ago
Camille Offenbach
Purchased at the Grocery Outlet for $5.99.
That said, when we opened it yesterday it was totally not-descript. I wasn't even going to post it. Now, I am flabbergasted. We wasted it!
👃 lots of plummy raisins and caramel. So much fruit, it reminded me of a fruit compote.
👅 Pleasant leathery tannins, dry, subtly astringent. I never thought I'd b say "pleasant" and "leathery" in the same sentence.
Let this air out at least 24 hours! — 7 years ago